Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Stop being so selfish!

Dear Diary

Yesterday I was in my car listening to the Michael Baisden show. They were talking about battles being waged in court over custody, visitation and child support. It just brought home to me how some children are victimised by selfish parents who think nothing of using them as pawns in a game of revenge against a former spouse. They will prevent a child from seeing a parent, poison the minds of children against a parent all to appease their ego or to "get back" at a ex spouse or partner. In the midst of all this a poor child is suffering and being scarred for life.

Children are not our possessions to be used by us in some selfish twisted game. Children are a gift from God and should be cherished and nurtured and cared for like the precious jewels they are. So next time you see some young girl acting out or some young man acting the fool, before you label them as h#es and thugs, stop and think a minute about what they might be going through at home and then instead of a harsh word or look, a kind word and some encouragement may be just what they need. 

All of us  Parents need to stop being so selfish and to look at our children ( not just our biological children) as precious gems and treat them as such.

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