Tuesday, 22 March 2011

It Does Take A Village!

I am sure that we as parents are all familiar with the much maligned phrase...' it takes a village to raise a child'.  People use this phrase   all the time without really considering the truth of it and how very relevant it is in our society today. 

The fact is that many parents are struggling to raise their children and to provide a stable loving home environment where their children will flourish. This is true of both single parent and two parent households. Raising children in these times is hard work! and sometimes while I want parents to step up and take responsibility, everybody needs help. We all need help and support at some time in our lives and especially with so important a task as raising children.

My challenge to Parents today is to look around you, where is your "village"? Where can you contribute to raising of a child not your own? Is there anyway that you can help the other parents in your "village" and in doing so receive some help yourself? As parents we all have something that we can contribute to make our communities and neighbourhoods better. 

Maybe today we can look around and actually see the children in our neighbourhood and instead of writing them off and thinking  thank God my kids are not like that, perhaps we can give them an encouraging  word or smile, get to know them. You would be surprised how much they have in common with your own children.

Parents where is your "village" and what are you doing to make a positive impact on   the lives of the children who live there?

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